Cloud: Platform & Services Management

Shifting From Infrastructure To Platforms And Services

Federal government IT infrastructure management is at an inflection point. The recent past has proven the viability of secure cloud solutions and many agencies have adopted a “cloud first” posture as a necessary and critical first step. The next step is to change the mindset from a technological endeavor to establishing the platform for the business ecosystem. The priority is shifting from purely IT infrastructure to business-aligned platforms and services due to:

  • The need for smart and cost-effective innovation
  • Seamless and reliable consumer/constituent experience
  • Keeping pace with the democratization of technology access
  • Operational transparency and insights;
  • Changing delivery models.

These changes are driving the need for an intelligent, cloud-first strategy and a move beyond commodity cloud services to platforms and XaaS. Criterion has experience in the full spectrum of IT and application delivery to help agencies adopt and implement a cloud services model that is mission-focused, resilient, and secure.

Our Approach

We build a business-first delivery model driven by a phased, systematic, and intentional strategy to identify candidate services and orchestrate moving each service into the model. Criterion’s approach enables our customers to focus on outcomes and business management (the why) under a performance framework to truly drive competitive advantages by:

  • Creating a cloud strategy that involves organizations beyond IT (contracting, business, finance)
  • Moving from a data center mindset to “as a service” across IT operations, applications, data, and security
  • Instilling automation discipline as a foundational construct across all implementations
  • Maturing IT operations from static event monitoring to enriched proactive event observation
  • Planning and implementing on hybrid multi-cloud and on-premise highly available fault tolerant infrastructures

Getting Started

Criterion’s Cloud Framework was developed in our Cloud Center of Excellence and is based on our years of experience in helping customers transition data centers to the cloud. It establishes the foundation for complex cloud automation and management environments, and we use it to plan, architect, design, migrate, and integrate workloads with cloud services.

We work closely with each customer to understand their environment, objectives, and constraints and provide a road map that will successfully move them to a mature operation that more effectively and efficiently enables them to achieve their missions today and into the future. We define a cloud-agnostic strategy that aligns business, IT, operations, and finance elements. Then, we automate and secure cloud implementations using the right tools and approaches for the customer’s environment.  All of our solutions are architected and managed to transform how our customer interact with and extract value from data.

  • Planning aligned with business strategy
  • Establishment of management controls with clear accountability
  • Cost transparency
  • Brokering services to bring best value and best-of-breed solutions

Cloud Strategy

Define a cloud agnostic strategy that aligns business, IT, operations, and finance elements.

Automation & Deployment

Automate and secure cloud implementations using the right tools and approaches for the customer’s environment.

Data Management

Architect and manage solutions that transform how our customers interact with and extract value from data.