Meet Amy, ISSO Lead

Meet Amy, ISSO Lead


What do you do?

I am the ISSO Lead for HQ East and HQ West on the NNSA Cyber contract. I oversee the A&A package development for our IT systems, data call submissions, track Cyber training initiatives, and develop reports for our AOs and ISSMs. I also develop and perform document review of new policies and procedures and system-based security documentation.

What are 5 things you do almost every day?

I check my email, address any priority items, write up my daily to do list, check in with the team and the ISSMs, and prepare for any meetings on my calendar.

Do you have a morning ritual? 

I start my day with hugs and kisses from my kids and an ice cold diet Coke once I get to my desk.

What kind of skills do you need to be effective in your role?

  • Communication: In this role, I spend a lot of time on documentation and interacting with teammates, partner organizations, and federal leadership.
  • Organization: A lot of the team’s work is deadline driven so I am managing many projects at one time and trying to stay on or ahead of schedule.
  • Flexibility: Priorities are always changing. I need to be able to roll with the changes and adjust expectations as needed.
  • Being a team player: My first priority is my team, making sure they have the tools to do their jobs, and stepping in to guide when needed.

What do you like best about your job?

I like that every day is different and I am always learning new things. I am also very lucky to work with a great group of people who are incredibly smart and supportive of each other.

What advice would you give to someone looking to become a ISSO Lead?

Don’t be afraid to go outside of your comfort zone — you never know what you will learn or who you will meet. Keep learning and try to get industry specific certifications.
