Through My Lens: August 2022

Through My Lens: August 2022


Criterion CEO Promod Sharma got to ride in a sea plane for the first time earlier this year near Seattle, Washington. He took this photo at the dock upon his return. Promod said the ride was thrilling!

Dock and Seagulls

Where were you when you took this photo?

I was on a Sea Plane.  The seagulls were flying all over the place.

What inspired you to take this photo?

It was such a nice blue day and a truly amazing number of seagulls. I liked the color contrast as well.

When you see this picture, what part of that trip does it remind you of?

My first time riding in a sea plane – an experience that will stay with me forever.

What camera did you use to take this photo? 

I took this picture on an iPhone 13

What other details would you like the readers to know? 

I was on vacation and visited one of the islands near Seattle. It was a thrill to be in a sea plane and the most fun was taking off and landing on the water!